My First Stained Glass Project - Beginner
My First Stained Glass Project - Beginner Alright, here I'll detail my first project that was done in March and the tools I used. The steps go over multiple days depending on what time I had after work and weekends. Let me also caveat by saying that I'm aware now of the ignorance of my choices but live and learn eh? :P And I had fun regardless lol. So what the first thing everyone needs when starting a project? A plan or A Pattern to follow right? I checked out various downloadable patterns online and I just didn't care for any of the downloadable patterns that I found. They all seemed dated to me and I didn't feel like doing a light house or bird so in my infinite wisdom I did an internet search and found a picture of a project that I liked ( ) and then I used Rapid Resizer ( ) to make a line drawing of the pattern and then the ...