
Showing posts from July, 2017

My First Stained Glass Project - Beginner

My First Stained Glass Project - Beginner Alright, here I'll detail my first project that was done in March and the tools I used. The steps go over multiple days depending on what time I had after work and weekends. Let me also caveat by saying that I'm aware now of the ignorance of my choices but live and learn eh? :P And I had fun regardless lol. So what the first thing everyone needs when starting a project? A plan or A Pattern to follow right? I checked out various downloadable patterns online and I just didn't care for any of the downloadable patterns that I found. They all seemed dated to me and I didn't feel like doing a light house or bird so in my infinite wisdom I did an internet search  and found a picture of a project that I liked ( ) and then I used Rapid Resizer ( ) to make a line drawing of the pattern and then the ...

Introductions - Greetings!

Learning Stained Glass - Greetings Hi All! My name is Holly and I live in central Illinois. I work at a Dr.'s office as an Insurance and Billing Specialist but my true joy recently has been Stained Glass and Glass Art. I am by no means an expert since I've only started in March of this year lol but in my search for information online I couldn't find a lot of detailed information for beginners and unfortunately I appear to live no where near a Stained Glass supply store that would provide lessons. So I figure I would start this blog and detail the things I've made and techniques I've tried and liked. Hopefully it will help someone else along the way or at least be interesting...I hope. :)